Utah Birds Records Committee
Special Election and Bylaw Change proposals
(17 Jun 2011)


Instructions: Here are two nominees the Secretary positions on the Records Committee:
       David Wheeler
       Steve Carr
Please vote for one of the nominees below.
Instructions: Here are two nominees for one Voting-Member positions on the Records Committee:
       Ryan O'Donnell
       Cliff Weisse
Please vote for one of the nominees below.
Voting Member:  
Instructions: Below are two Bylaw-change proposals.
Please vote "for" or "against" each proposal.
Proposal #1: The following new section (IV.B.1.e.) should be added to the Bylaws:

The Secretary may split any record containing multiple sightings into two or more records if it appears that this will facilitate voting. The Committee may also, by the vote of a simple majority, split any record containing multiple sightings into two or more records. This action, whether instigated by the Secretary or the Committee, should take place before the end of the first round.

Vote #1:       Vote: 6 For, 1 Against
Proposal #2: Replace section (III.H.1.) of the Bylaws with the following:

"An annual meeting of the Records Committee will be held if requested by a majority (5) members of the Committee or by the Secretary."

[section III.H.1 presently reads: "At the annual UOS meeting a meeting of the records committee will be held. The purpose of this meeting shall be to conduct any elections and such other business as may be brought before the Committee. The Secretary must give prior notice of the annual meeting to all members."] 

Vote #2:        Vote: 7 For, 1 Against
Proposal #3: Since the UOS has been discontinued, it is proposed that the following item be changed in the Bylaws to reflect this change in affiliation:
  1. I. Name and Affiliation amended to read: I. Name  ("affiliation" omitted)
  2. II. C. "Maintain and publish official UOS Checklist of Birds of Utah." amended to read: Maintain and publish official Checklist of Birds of Utah. (omission of UOS or change to "UBRC").
  3. II.D. "Maintain and publish official UOS List of Review Species" amended to read: "Maintain and publish official List of Review Species" (omission of UOS or change to "UBRC").
  4. IV.D.2 "The decisions of the Committee shall be published annually, under the supervision of the Secretary in the form of an Annual Report, in the UOS Newsletter." amended to read: "The decisions of the Committee shall be published annually, under the supervision of the Secretary in the form of an Annual Report." (omission of "in the UOS Newsletter")
  5. V.B.4. "Review species shall be designated with a pound (#) on the UOS Checklist of Birds of Utah." amended to read: "Review species shall be designated with a pound (#) on the Checklist of Birds of Utah." (omission of UOS or change to "UBRC").
Vote #3:     Vote: 7 For


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