Utah Bird Records Committee
       Bylaws Proposals - Spring 2009

Proposal A: "Add two alternate members to the Records Committee"

Change Section III.A

Presently is:
The Committee shall consist of seven regular voting members (hereafter, "Voting Members") and one secretary, a non-voting member of the Committee and acting chairman (hereafter, "Secretary"). For purposes of these Bylaws, the term "Member" includes all seven Voting Members plus the Secretary.

Change to:
The Committee shall consist of seven regular voting members (hereafter, "Voting Members"), two additional members who will be alternates (hereafter, Alternates), and one secretary, a non-voting member of the Committee and acting chairman (hereafter, "Secretary"). Alternates will vote on each submitted record, but their votes will be tallied only in the absence of a vote (or votes) by Voting Members at the voting deadline. For purposes of these Bylaws, the term "Member" includes all seven Voting Members, the two Alternates, and the Secretary. At meetings, all Members have the same status on procedural votes and all matters before the Committee

Change Section III.B

Presently is:
Qualifications. 1. A Voting Member should possess expertise in identification of Utah birds, knowledge of Utah bird distribution, and familiarity with birders and localities in Utah

Change to:
Qualifications. 1. A Voting Member or Alternate should possess expertise in identification of Utah birds, knowledge of Utah bird distribution, and familiarity with birders and localities in Utah

Change Section III.D

Presently is:
- Term of Office and Responsibilities: Voting Member.
1. The Utah Bird Records Committee shall include seven Voting Members.
  a. Voting Members will be elected to three year terms.
  b. Voting Members of the Committee may be nominated for a second consecutive term. After a second consecutive term there must be a one-year or longer absence from the Committee before a member is eligible for nomination again.
  c. There shall be no limit to the number of separate six-year periods (two terms) that any one person may serve on the Committee.

Change to:
- Term of Office and Responsibilities: Voting Member
s and Alternates.
1. The Utah Bird Records Committee shall include seven Voting Members and two Alternates.
a. New members are admitted as Alternates unless there are three or more vacancies among the Voting Members, in which case a new member may be admitted with Voting Member status. When there is a vacancy among the Voting Members, the first Alternate moves into that vacancy, the second Alternate moves into the first Alternate position, and a vote is conducted to fill the second Alternate position.
b. Terms will last three years, with a new member’s first term beginning when they become a Voting Member.
  c. At the end of each Voting Member’s first term, the committee will vote on whether or not to retain that member for a second term.
d. After a member has served two full consecutive terms, one year must pass before they are eligible to again serve on the committee

Change Section III.F.2

Presently is:
Such action requires a super-majority vote of all other Members, i.e., 6-1 or 7-0 for removal.

Change to:
Such action requires a super-majority vote of all other Members, i.e., 6-1 or 7-0 for removal.
With two alternate members, this should read 8-1 or 9-0.

Add Section IV.B.3.e

Votes of Voting Members will be given priority over those of the Alternates. If fewer than seven votes are submitted by the vote deadline so that votes from one or more Alternates are needed, then votes from Alternates will be used on a rotating basis, to be kept track of by the Secretary.

Add Section IV.B.4.c

Votes of Voting Members will be given priority over those of the Alternates. If fewer than seven votes are submitted by the vote deadline so that votes from one or more Alternates are needed, then votes from Alternates will be used on a rotating basis, to be kept track of by the Secretary.

Proposal B: "Add two members to the Records Committee and change the "decisive vote" criteria."

Change Section III.A

Presently is:
The Committee shall consist of seven regular voting members (hereafter, "Voting Members") and one secretary, a non-voting member of the Committee and acting chairman (hereafter, "Secretary"). For purposes of these Bylaws, the term "Member" includes all seven Voting Members plus the Secretary.

Change to:
The Committee shall consist of nine voting members (hereafter, "Voting Members") and one secretary, a non-voting member of the Committee and acting chairman (hereafter, "Secretary"). For purposes of these Bylaws, the term "Member" includes all nine Voting Members and the Secretary. At meetings, all Members have the same status on procedural votes and all matters before the Committee.

Change Section III.F.2

Presently is:
Such action requires a super-majority vote of all other Members, i.e., 6-1 or 7-0 for removal.

Change to:
Such action requires a super-majority vote of all other Members, i.e.,
8-1 or 9-0 for removal.

Change Section III.H.2

Presently is:
Quorum. Five Voting Members present at the meeting...

Change to:
Seven Voting Members present at the meeting...

Change Section IV.C.10.a

Presently is:
First Round votes have to be unanimous (7-0 or 0-7).  If a first round record receives either of these votes then it is considered decisive and no second round is needed. If anything less than this it goes to second round.

Change to:
First Round votes have to be
7-0, 8-0, or 9-0 in the affirmative or 0-7, 0-8, or 0-9 in the negative. If a first round record receives any of these votes then it is considered decisive and no second round is needed. If anything less than this it goes to second round.

Change Section IV.C.10.b

Presently is:
Second Round votes to be decisive and stop the record from going to third round has to be 5-2 (or higher) or 2-5 (or lower). If it is 4-3 or 3-4 then the record goes to third round.

Change to:
For Second Round votes to be decisive and stop the record from going to third round, at least seven of the nine Members must have voted and the results must be 5-2 (or higher - e.g., 5-3, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 7-0, 7-1, 7-2, 8-1, 9-0) or 2-5 (or lower - e.g. 3-5, 1-6, 2-6, 3-6, 0-7, 1-7, 2-7, 1-8, 0-9) for the vote to be decisive. If it is 4-3, 3-4, 4-4, 5-4, or 4-5, then the record goes to third round.

Change Section IV.C.10.c

Presently is:
Third round votes have to change a 4-3 or 3-4 second round vote to 5-2 or 2-5 to be decisive. If it stays 4-3 or 3-4 vote then it is considered rejected. Likewise if it receives a 5-2 or 2-5 on third round then it is accepted or rejected.

Change to:
Third round votes have to change a 4‑3 or 3‑4 second round vote for the vote to be decisive. At least seven of the nine Members must have voted and the results must be 5-2 (or higher - e.g., 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 7-0, 7-1, 7-2, 8-1, 9-0) for the vote to be accepted or 2-5 (or lower - e.g. 1-6, 2-6, 3-6, 0-7, 1-7, 2-7, 1-8, 0-9) for the vote to be rejected. If it stays 4‑3, 3‑4, 4-4, 5-4, or 4-5, vote then it is considered rejected.

Proposal C: "Keep the Records Committee as is  but change the "decisive vote" criteria"

IV.C.10. Decisive and Non-decisive Votes.

(Add the text in red to the following three sections)

a. First Round votes have to be unanimous (7-0 or 0-7). If a first round record receives either of these votes then it is considered decisive and no second round is needed. If anything less than this it goes to second round. An exception to this rule can be made at the discretion of the Secretary if one or two Voting Members have failed to vote by the two-month deadline. In this case a unanimous vote (6-0, 5-0, 0-6, 0-5) can be deemed decisive or a non-unanimous vote can send the record to a second round.

b. Second Round votes to be decisive and stop the record from going to third round has to be 5-2 (or higher) or 2-5 (or lower). If it is 4-3 or 3-4 then the record goes to third round. An exception to this rule can be made at the discretion of the Secretary if one or two Voting Members have failed to vote by the two-month deadline. In this case a vote with one dissenter (5-1, 4-1, 1-5, 1-4) can be deemed decisive or a vote with more than 1 dissenter can send the record to a third round.

c. Third round votes have to change a 4-3 or 3-4 second round vote to 5-2 or 2-5 to be decisive. If it stays 4-3 or 3-4 vote then it is considered rejected. Likewise if it receives a 5-2 or 2-5 on third round then it is accepted or rejected. An exception to this rule can be made at the discretion of the Secretary if one or two Voting Members have failed to vote by the two-month deadline. In this case a vote with one dissenter (5-1, 4-1, 1-5, 1-4) can be deemed decisive or a vote with more than 1 dissenter can cause the record to be rejected.

Proposal D: "Keep the Bylaws as they are now."