Utah Birds Records Committee
Review List Proposals
(4 February 2019)

  Proposals to REMOVE species from the Review List.


  Vote to either "remove" or to "keep on" these species:

  Red-throated Loon Remove - 4;  Keep - 5
  Red-necked Grebe Remove - 9;  Keep - 0
  Red Phalarope Remove - 4;  Keep - 5
  Zone-tailed Hawk Remove - 4;  Keep - 5
  Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Remove - 4;  Keep - 5
  Red-breasted Sapsucker Remove - 5;  Keep - 4
  Least Flycatcher Remove - 9;  Keep - 0
  Hermit Warbler Remove - 7;  Keep - 2
  Painted Redstart Remove - 6;  Keep - 3
  Common Redpoll Remove - 9;  Keep - 0
  Vaux's Swift Remove - 4;  Keep - 5
  Rusty Blackbird Remove - 5;  Keep - 4


  Proposals to ADD species to the Review List.


   "Preliminary Questions": Vote "yes" or "no" to these questions:

    Should the records committee start reviewing Subspecies?   Yes - 2;  No - 7
  Should we list the Mexican Duck as a separate species on our checklist (Some lists consider it a species (Anas diazi), but the AOS (AOU) does not).   Yes - 2;  No - 7


Vote to either "add" or "don't add" these species or subspecies:


                    Mexican Duck Add - 7;  Don't Add - 2
  Bendire's Thrasher Add - 8;  Don't Add - 2
  Black-and-white Warbler Add - 4;  Don't Acc - 5
  White-winged Crossbill Add - 4;  Don't Acc - 5