Utah Birds Records Committee
Checklist Format Proposals
(20 February 2019)



Here is a link to the rational and original proposals we are voting on:   Project Page

  Proposals to change the codes and format of our Official Checklist.


  Vote "Yes" or "No" on the following proposals concerning our Official Checklist:

     We should eliminate the "Fairly Common" abundance code.        Y-7, N-2

     We should eliminate the "Northern Utah" designation.                 Y-7, N-2

     We should eliminate the "Washington County" designation.          Y-4, N-5

     We should replace the "A" for "Accidental" species with the number of
                     sightings accepted by the committee for each species.             Y-2, N-7    

     We should continue using the species and order of the American
                     Ornithological Union (aka. AOS checklist) for our checklist.    Y-9, N-0

     We should change the "Transient" category to "Migrant."              Y-8, N-1

     For simplicity, we should Remove the "Provisional." category symbol
                    from the main checklist. (We can still maintain the provisional list
                    on our "Auxiliary List" page that we have now).                       Y-9, N-0

     We should remove the "Irregular" category from our checklist.      Y-5, N-4