Verification of Unusual Sight Record
For Utah

Rec. # 2025-08

Common name:

Mississippi Kite

Scientific name: Ictinia mississippiensis
Date: 8/15/2023
Time: 3:00 PM
Length of time observed: 5 min.
Number: 1
Age: Juvenile
Sex: Unkown
Location: Castle Valley, Utah
County: Grand
Latilong: (38.650624, -109.400954)
Elevation: 4,774 feet
Distance to bird: 100 feet
Optical equipment: Camera + zoom lens (Canon EOS Rebel T3i + Sigma 150-600 C)
Weather: cloudy
Light Conditions: Overcast
Description:        Size of bird: Medium-large
(Description:)       Basic Shape: sleek, pointed wings, short head/neck, long tail
(Description:)  Overall Pattern: gray on top, streaked brown underneath with black and white banded tail
(Description:)            Bill Type: Hooked
Field Marks and
Identifying Characteristics:
Smallish/medium-sized raptor. Long, tapered wings, short outer primary, heavily streaked belly, and long banded tail.
Song or call & method of delivery: Did not vocalize. Seen as it was flying by, traveling west.
Behavior: Flew pretty much in a straight line, like it was headed somewhere. Didn't dally at all, very short observation.
Habitat: Open, fallow agricultural field
Similar species and how
were they eliminated:
Separated from all hawk species by sleek body and long, pointed wings.
Separated from falcons and other Kites by undertail pattern (Tail bars too thick for any of our falcon species)
Previous experience with
this & similar species:
5+ years of experience identifying Mississippi Kites, but not much in the way of separating similar species since none really live in my area.
References consulted: National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America (7th edition), Macaulay Library, Whatbird Community Forum
Description from: From memory
From photo(s) taken at the time of the sighting
Observer: Sean Cowden
Observer's address: 1270 E 90th ave N. Belle Plaine, KS, 67013
Observer's e-mail address: **
Other observers who independently identified this bird: None
Date prepared: 3/1/2025
Additional material:


Additional comments: See photo. Only edit made was raising the shadows to show field marks. Pretty diagnostic.