Verification of Unusual Sight Record
For Utah

Rec. # 2025-07

Common name:

Smith's Longspur

Scientific name: Calcarius pictus
Date: 2/28/25
Time: 9:00am
Length of time observed: 1-2 minutes
Number: 1
Age: Unknown
Sex: Unknown
Location: Howell, UT
County: Box Elder
Latilong: 41.7366719, -112.4554140
Distance to bird: 30-50 ft
Optical equipment: 10x50 vortex viper
Weather: Sunny, clear
Light Conditions: Excellent, sun facing birds
Description:        Size of bird: Sparrow-sized
(Description:)       Basic Shape: Round body, short tail
(Description:)  Overall Pattern: Brown and buff with slightly darker streaking
(Description:)            Bill Type: Thin, like that of a siskin or a chickadee
Field Marks and
Identifying Characteristics:
Small brown, sparrow-like bird, overall light brown with darker brown streaks on crown and back. Belly and throat buff with faint streaks on chest and flanks. Lighter supercilium and malar stripe, dark brown auricular patch. Short tail with white outer retricies. Bill noticeably thin. Faint white eye ring.
Song or call & method of delivery: None
Behavior: Foraging in grasses and snow, occasionally popping up for good looks but more skulky vs other longspurs.
Habitat: Grassy farm field
Similar species and how
were they eliminated:
Bill and pattern ruled out Horned Lark. Auricular patch and bill ruled out most sparrows. Duller in color vs Lapland Longspur and bill was noticeably thinner and bicolored. Bill size and shape plus buff chest and flanks with striping ruled out Thick-billed Longspur. Bill thinner and facial pattern different than Chestnut-collared Longspur (buffy chest with streaks plus bolder malar stripe).
Previous experience with
this & similar species:
First encounter with Smith's Longspur, fairly familiar with other three
References consulted: Several bird guides and online resources
Description from: Notes taken at the time o
Observer: Ian Batterman
Observer's address: 8538 S. Harvard Park Dr
Observer's e-mail address: **
Other observers who independently identified this bird:  
Date prepared: 2/28/25
Additional material: No_additional_Materials
Additional comments: