Verification of Unusual Sight Record
For Utah

Rec. # 2025-04

Common name:

Black-headed Gull

Scientific name: Chroicocephalus ridibundus
Date: 1/25/2025
Time: 2:30pm~
Length of time observed: 30~ minutes
Number: 1
Age: adult
Sex: ?
Location: Lee Kay Ponds
County: Salt Lake
Latilong: 40.7389386, -112.0495961
Elevation: 4250ft~
Distance to bird: 200m at closest
Optical equipment: Kowa 66mm Spotting Scope
Weather: overcast, snowing lightly, 31F, light winds
Light Conditions: flat light but OK
Description:        Size of bird: small gull
(Description:)       Basic Shape: gull like
(Description:)  Overall Pattern: pale gray above, white below
(Description:)            Bill Type: Piscivor
Field Marks and
Identifying Characteristics:
I was scanning through the mass of gulls on the ice when I noticed a small gull keeping to it self on the edge of some open water. It was much smaller than all the Ring-billed near it, had a similar pale mantle shade, but a dark ear spot, so I immediately thought Bonaparte's Gull, which have overwintered nearby on Great Salt Lake(Antelope Island Causeway). But as I studied it in the scope, I noted its bill and legs were a dark blood red. Bonaparte's have bright orange legs and a black bill. I then carefully observed it and photographed it over the next half hour in the scope, hoping for a view of the underwing to cling ID. Eventually it did make a couple short flights, as well as flapped its wings, and I did see the unique pattern of black and white on the underside of the primaries that eliminated Bonaparte's and confirmed Black-headed Gull. Specifically the inner primaries were mostly black, but P8 & P9 were contrasting white with a black tip
(see photos)
Song or call & method of delivery: None heard
Behavior: Loafing on ice near a small patch of open water
Habitat: Freshwater ponds near a landfill and the south shore of Great Salt Lake
Similar species and how
were they eliminated:
Bonaparte's-overall very similar but smaller, have no black in underwing. Legs are typically a bright orange-pinkish, not dark red, and bill of adults is normally black. Some immature can have an orange based bill, but in adults, which this bird was, it should be black.

Franklin's Gull-much darker mantle shade, more prominent tertial crescent when perched, different black and white pattern in wingtips: lack white P8 & 9 and the white leading edge of upper wing. Bill and legs usually black in basic plumage

Laughing Gull-larger and darker mantle shade, different black and white pattern in wingtips: lack white P8 & 9 and the white leading edge of upper wing. Bill and legs usually black in basic plumage

Ring-billed Gull-direct comparison. about 50% larger, yellow bill and legs, different pattern of black and white in wingtips. No ear spot
Previous experience with
this & similar species:
None, lifer. Many with Boneparte's, Franklin's, Laughing and Ring-billed
References consulted: Sibley app
Description from: From photo(s) taken at the time of the sighting
Observer: Bryant Olsen
Observer's address: 84102
Observer's e-mail address: **
Other observers who independently identified this bird: Several others independently relocated it after I left, see eBird
Date prepared: 1/25/25
Additional material:


Additional comments: eBird checklist: