Verification of Unusual Sight Record
For Utah

Rec. # 2024-36

Common name:

Mexican Duck

Scientific name: Anas diazi
Date: 05/30/2024
Time: 4:05pm
Length of time observed: 15 minutes
Number: 1
Age: Adult
Sex: Male
Location: Lake Powell - Stateline Boat Ramp
County: Kane
Latilong: Approximately 37.003527,-111.494172
Elevation: ~3500 feet
Distance to bird: 5 feet at the closest (swam right up to our boat)
Optical equipment: Vortex Razor 10×42 binoculars
Weather: Sunny, calm, ~90° F
Light Conditions: Sunny, bright
Description:        Size of bird: Mallard sized
(Description:)       Basic Shape: Duck
(Description:)  Overall Pattern: Dark Brown
(Description:)            Bill Type: Spatulate
Field Marks and
Identifying Characteristics:
Bird was approximately the same size as associating male Mallard (A. platyrhynchos). Much darker brown than either a female Mallard or Male Mallard in eclipse plumage. Head and neck was lighter brown with a darker brown cap showing no hits of green (as would be expected in a hybrid). Tail was also straight and brown (hybrids would typically show curl and white tones to some extent). Bill was a dull yellow, similar to that of a male Mallard but not as bright. Extent of white on speculum not noted as bird swam and never opened its wing while I viewed it
(see photos)
Song or call & method of delivery: N/A
Behavior: Very gregarious. Seemed to have figured out that by hanging out near boats, people would feed it
Habitat: Shallow water by Stateline Dock on Lake Powell
Similar species and how
were they eliminated:
Mallard - no curl or white tones to the tail, no green in the head/crown, darker brown feathers on body, duller yellow bill. No indication of hybridization noted as well.
Previous experience with
this & similar species:
Mexican Ducks have an interesting northward extention of range that pokes into my portion of Navajo County. In part to all my reports of them in my county, I was able to not only get Mexican Duck taken off the rare bird alert for Navajo County AZ, but I was also able to document breeding records of this species in the county.
References consulted: N/A
Description from: Notes made later
From photo(s) taken at the time of the sighting
Observer: John Wilson
Observer's address: 2638 Bourdon Ranch Road, Taylor AZ 85939
Observer's e-mail address: **
Other observers who independently identified this bird: N/A
Date prepared: 06/04/2024
Additional material: Photos
Additional comments: Surprised to see that not only is this a first county record for Kane County, but it's also a review species for Utah. Within Coconino County AZ, just to the south I've seen several MEDU and they're annual in small numbers. Also as mentioned MEDU breeds and is a year round resident in Navajo County, to the east of Coconino County. I've also had records as far north as SW CO in previous years.