Photo A |

Photo B |
a close up of the bird on the left in the photo above shows yellow/red
bill and extensive white undertail coverts |

Photo C |
A sharper image of upturned tail, white
undertail coverts and wing projection that was observed during time of
observation. The head shape on this one is strange and does not resemble
what we saw in the field or other photos. |

Photo D |

Photo E |
last two images are stills taken from a video.
They show the difference in color between the Gallinule and AMCOs better
than the photos we took. the photos tend to appear darker than actual.
The video images more closely resemble the color we saw in the field.
see also size difference, bill shape and bill to head ratio. |
Photo F |

Photo G |
(The above photo with levels adjusted and enlarged by 3 times by the
webmaster). |

Photo G |
* The original photo files, being too
large for our format, have been reduced in size. (originals are
available) |