Verification of Unusual Sight Record
For Utah

Rec. # 2021-73

Common name:

White-tailed Kite

Scientific name: Elanus leucurus
Date: 12/14/2021
Time: 8:30am
Length of time observed: 1.5 hours
Number: 1
Age: adult
Sex: ?
Location: Blue Creek Valley
County: Box Elder
Latilong: 41.730043, -112.443708
Elevation: 4,700ft
Distance to bird: 100m at closest
Optical equipment: Kowa 66mm spotting Scope
Weather: Overcast, 45F, windy
Light Conditions: Moderate
Description:        Size of bird: medium sized raptor
(Description:)       Basic Shape: typical raptor
(Description:)  Overall Pattern:  mostly white, black shoulders
(Description:)            Bill Type: Typical Raptor
Field Marks and
Identifying Characteristics:
Originally found and reported by Kendall Watkins and Quin Diaz on 12/13, I gave chase and found it in the same location reported the next morning. Found perched on a fence post and hovering, watched in the scope for over an hour. Mostly white below with black wingtips and wrist spot, gray back with prominent black shoulders. Long narrow pointed wings and long narrow tail. Often hovered, and glided with a distinctive dihedral. Striking red iris seen when perched 100m from the road on a fence post
(see photos)
Song or call & method of delivery: none heard
Behavior: Either perched on short fence posts or actively hovering
Habitat: wet meadows and pasture grasslands
Similar species and how
were they eliminated:
Distinctive plumage, structure and behavior

Northern Harrier male larger with different flight pattern, tail not white

Ferruginous Hawks will hover and are very white below but much larger with broader wings and a shorter tail, do not have a black wrist spot
Previous experience with
this & similar species:
many in Mexico, Texas and Colombia
References consulted: memory
Description from: From photo(s) taken at the time of the sighting
Observer: Bryant Olsen
Observer's address: 84102
Observer's e-mail address:**
Other observers who independently identified this bird: Found by Kendall Watkins and Quin Diaz on 12/13, seen by many
Date prepared: 12/16/21
Additional material: Photos
Additional comments: eBird checklist: