Verification of Unusual
Sight Record
For Utah
Rec. # 2012-45
Common name: |
Common Redpoll |
Scientific name: | Psaltriparus minimus |
Date: | 8 Nov 2012 |
Time: | 2:50 PM |
Length of time observed: | ~ 2 minutes |
Number: | 1 |
Age: | unknown |
Sex: | unknown, but not adult male. Probably HY female, but I have no experience aging and sexing this species. |
Location: | Mouth of Steel Canyon, north of Clarkston |
County: | Cache |
Latilong: | |
Elevation: | |
Distance to bird: | ~10 ft. |
Optical equipment: | 10x42 binoculars and Nikon D90 with 80-400mm lens |
Weather: | Mix of sun and clouds, breezy. Warm for this time of year, ~58F. |
Light Conditions: | Good, mix of direct and overcast light. |
Description: Size of bird: | Small finch. |
(Description:) Basic Shape: | Small finch. |
(Description:) Overall Pattern: | See photos. |
(Description:) Bill Type: | Short and pointed, yellow with dusky tip. |
Field Marks and Identifying Characteristics: |
Please see photographs and similar species section below. |
Song or call & method of delivery: | Mostly silent, but heard calling as it flew from one shrub to another, "chit-chit-chit". |
Behavior: | Feeding on catkins in the top of a birch tree, loosely associated with a flock of about 30 American Goldfinches. |
Habitat: | At the mouth of a canyon where juniper dominated hillsides meet dry agricultural fields. |
species and
how were they eliminated: |
With the short, pointed yellow bill, red cap on top of the head, blackish lores, forehead, and chin and overall whitish and brown pattern on a small finch, the only possible confusion species is Hoary Redpoll. This individual had a slightly longer bill than expected for Hoary Redpoll. The streaking on the flanks was extensive, more so than on even a first-year female Hoary. Most importantly, the undertail coverts were densely and thickly streaked, with the central covert more dark brown than white. |
experience with this & similar species: |
I have seen Common Redpoll on one previous occasion in Utah (see record 2008-05), once in Minnesota, and on many occasions while working as a guide on St. Paul Island, Alaska, where they are regular migrants. I have seen Hoary Redpolls on several occasions in the same job at the same location. |
References consulted: | Sibley Guide to Birds, Pyle's Identification Guide to North American Birds. |
Description from: | Notes taken at time of sighting |
Observer: | Ryan P. O'Donnell |
Observer's address: | 1098 Crescent Dr., Logan |
Observer's e-mail address: |** |
Other Observers: | Andrew Durso and J.D. Willson. |
Date prepared: | 8 Nov 2012 |
Additional material: | Photos |
Additional_Comments: |