Verification of Unusual Sight Record
For Utah

Rec. # 2006-44(R81)
(Transcribed by M. G. Moody)

Common name:

Baltimore Oriole

Scientific name: Icterus galbula
Date: 27 Jun 1981
Time: 12:00 Noon
Length of time observed:  
Number: 1
Age: Adult
Sex: Male
Location: Simpson Springs, near Dugway
County: Juab
Distance to bird: estimated, ~30-50'
Optical equipment: Bushnell 9 x 30 binoculars
Light Conditions: very good, sunny and fair
Description:        Size of bird:  
(Description:)       Basic Shape:  
(Description:)  Overall Pattern:  
(Description:)            Bill Type:  
Field Marks and
Identifying Characteristics:
Clearly an oriole when seen from a distance, bright orange breast and black beak immediately suggested a bullock's but examination through binoculars revealed a solid black head.  After checking field guide, the difference in wing pattern was noticed which was like Baltimore but not Bullock's pattern.  The tail pattern which also would have supported this i.d. was not observed.  In all other aspects the bird was identical to the male Baltimore pattern.
Song or call & method of delivery: none
Behavior: flying low from tree to tree
Habitat: general desolate area except for immediate area of Simpson Springs which had numerous young fruit trees planted.
Similar species and how
were they eliminated:
not Bullock's because of head and wing pattern
not Scotts because of deep orange breast color
Previous experience with
this & similar species:
I've observed both Scott's and Bullock's several times.
References consulted:  
Description from: From notes made during the observation
Observer: Tim Helentjaris
Observer's address: 1721 S. 500 E., SLC Utah 84105
Observer's e-mail address:  
Other observers who independently identified this bird:  
Date prepared:  
Additional material: Original Record
Additional comments: