Birdnet Hotline Highlights

June 2009

Review Species Reported This Month:
     Zone-tailed Hawk  Kane Co,


Kris Purdy (29 Jun 2009) - For the third or fourth year in a row, Scott Baxter has photographed a Red-breasted Merganser in the summer on the Willard Spur, an area that's
generally fresh water to brackish between the southern border of Bear River MBR and Willard Reservoir in Box Elder County. While Scott's images are excellent, I can't tell if the bird is a drake in eclipse plumage (which is what I suspect) or a hen. The merganser Scott photographed in previous years was an adult drake.


Kevin Doxstater (4 Jun 2009) - Subject: American Three-toed Woodpecker.  Photographed the bird this morning; unless I am badly wrong on the identification, according to Northern Colorado Plateau Network (National Park Service) data this is a first documented record for Bryce Canyon National Park (listed as "unconfirmed" in the park).


Tim Avery (24 Mar 2009) - Doing two breeding bird surveys this month have yielded a couple unusual birds that may be of interest. Along hwy 14 in Kane County there were a pair of Zone-tailed Hawks earlier this week.


Tim Avery (6 Jun 2009) - This morning (06/06) Jeff Bilsky and I hiked from Silver Lake up to Twin Lakes and down the maintenence road to Brighton...  Heading up the trail to Twin Lakes there wasn't a whole lot until we passed the rock face over looking Silver Lake. From the trail here we heard a single RED CROSSBILL calling as it flew through the trees. As soon as we came out onto the flat just above this area in the spruce and aspen things started to pick up. OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER and WESTERN WOOD-PEWEE were both singing, and Jeff spotted a CORDILLERAN FLYCATCHER feeding a couple feet off the ground. The COFL was very cooperative and I was able to ge t a few nice shots. While I was photographing it I heard a PINE GROSBEAK call. We ended up hearing 2 singing and I got some shots of one while he sang just over our heads in an Aspen. There were a few CLARK'S NUTCRACKER on the ridgetops, and they were making a bit of noise most of the time.

Stephen Carlile (26 Jun 2009) - At a non birding event I saw a Northern Goshawk this evening, Friday, before the downpour at the Spruces Campground in Big Cottonwood Canyon. Seen swooping down trying to catch ground squirrels at the overgrown ball diamond in the group camping area at the east end. Good look but did not see the bird again. Also saw Hammond's Flycatcher, Hermit Thrush, Mountain Chickadee, Song Sparrow, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and Broad-tailed Hummingbird.


Mike Monson (5 Jun 2009) - Mike Monson reported that he's still getting RED CROSSBILLS at his feeder in Mt. Pleasant and has been for about a month. He's also had a
ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK, a male one time and a female another, come to his feeder. North of town (between Mt. Pleasant and Fairview) he has recently seen an INDIGO BUNTING, as well as some regularly appearing EVENING GROSBEAKS.


Matt Johnstone ( 12 Jun 2009) - My wife and I were visiting Dinosaur NM from Michigan and had a first spring male Summer Tanager at Josie's Ranch in Dinosaur on June 12. Head and vent were red, red blotches elsewhere on bird, including wings, wings about same color as rest of bird, no wing bars. This seems to be quite out of range for NE Utah. This is a bird I'm very familiar with, having lived in the southeast for many years. The bird responded to an Eastern screech owl imitation (probably not the most appropriate to pull out birds in Utah, but the only imitation I can whistle).


Dennis Shirley (1 Jun 2009) - The best birds of the morning were a very late BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER and a COMMON MOORHEN, both in Benjamin Slough. (Photo)\

Dennis Shirley (1 Jun 2009) - Early this morning I found an INDIGO BUNTING near Elberta, southwest Utah County. It was a brilliant male who was singing from the tops of scattered junipers when I drove up and continued until I left the area 45 minutes later. I was really surprised to find him here. The area is a juniper/sage slope habitat more tyical for sage sparrow, Bewick's Wren, and bushtits, but of course I couldn't find any of these.

Dennis Shirley (30 Jun 2009) - I was out in the Indigo Bunting area this morning and found a GRAY VIREO. Actually there were three. I think there were adults and young in the spot...
If they aren't calling and you have a tape place one quick note or two, then be ready to duck. I played the call briefly to verify for sure that's what they were and one almost flew in the truck with me...


Bryant Olsen (22 Jun 2009) - The PURPLE MARTINS I found last summer in the Strawberry Valley have returned as of yesterday... Other good birds in the valley were CASPIAN TERNS, WILLOW FLYCATCHERS, a female CALLIOPE HUMMINGBIRD that came to my feeder, and a GRAY CATBIRD in Daniels Canyon.


Ted and Carolyn McGrath (2 Jun 2009) - This evening at 7:00 PM we saw a male Rose-breasted Grosbeak in our back yard! It perched in a tree for an extended period, then flew down to our sunflower feeder and ate for a few minutes. It then flew into the woods as a violent thunderstorm was approaching. Even in the evening light, its bib was vivid rosy red against a white breast.


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