Birdnet Hotline Highlights
November 2006
Review Species Reported This Month:
Cackling Goose Cache Co.
Salt Lake Co.
Red Phalarope Davis Co.
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Washington Co.
Prothonotary Warbler Morgan Co.
Worm-eating Warbler Weber Co.
Common Redpoll Davis Co.
Bridget Olson - Bear River Bird Count - Waterbird/Raptor Survey - 11/30/06 - Waterfowl numbers drastically reduced with onset of colder weather...Three Trumpeter Swans observed on the tour loop unit. I adult and 2 cygnets, along south end of tour loop about 150 yards out from the road. Swans are highly visible from the tour loop unit along with several species of ducks...
Dave Slager ( 18 Nov 2006) - I found a juvenile Pacific Loon this morning on the Willard Bay reservoir. I was able to watch it for over an hour. It was at the far western edge of the main reservoir, just south of where the dike "kinks" towards the northeast. On my Utah DeLorme atlas, this is right on the "W" of "Willard Bay Res" which is printed in blue ink. Other birds of note in the vicinity: On the reservoir: 2 Horned Grebe, 1 imm. Snow/Ross's with some Canadas in the middle of the reservoir. In the shallow ponds W of the reservoir: 22 Greater Yellowlegs, 35 American Avocet.
Kris Purdy (17 Nov 2006) - I visited two spots in Box Elder County today to see water birds: Mantua Reservoir and Willard Bay State Park. Mantua continues to be full of cooties...oops, I mean coots... Other water birds included: ...Greater Scaup...Horned Grebe... A brief stop at a couple open water areas at Willard Bay turned up the most interesting bird of the day...a first-spring male Hooded Merganser...Four Horned Grebes swam in the marina enclosure with Pied-billed Grebes and Red-breasted Mergansers.
Brian Mickelson (9 Nov 2006) - The Blue Jay continues to visit each day. Two days ago I was out refilling the feeder when I heard and felt the bird swoop down from off of the phoneline and land on the feeder. He must not have seen me standing right there and I was afraid to move (so as to not scare him off) so I just stood there for about a minute getting the best looks at him I've ever had. So, if you come up to Tremonton to see him, maybe the best idea is to stand right by the feeder, still as you can, and let him land on your nose. You can't get a better look than that!
Buck Russell (26 Nov 2006) - Thanks to a tip from Kristin Purdy, who received a tip from Mort and Carolyn Somer, I saw a Winter Wren this morning at the Spring Hollow Camp Ground in Logan Canyon. This was a life bird for me...
Keith and Judy Archibald (4 Nov 2006) - Judy and I spotted a Cackling Goose on the Logan River Golf Course this afternoon (550 W 1000 S in Logan)...Returning with Buck Russell, Sue and Dave Drown, scopes and cameras, we had a good close range study of the bird. It hangs out with approximately 75 Canada Geese on the ponds around the clubhouse.
Joel and Kathy Beyer (26 Nov 2006) - ...we stopped at the Antelope Island Causeway, and found a female Long-tailed Duck on the south side of the last bridge (the one nearest the island). It was with many Grebes, both Eared and Horned. There were 5 Surf Scoters on the north side of this same bridge.
Brian Currie (20 Nov 2006) - I birded AIC (Antelope Island Causeway) this afternoon from 1245-2:45. I drove right to (well, the way a birder drives "right to" anything : ) ) the bridge closest to the island. My main purpose was to see what, if anything had come in recently. The two White-winged Scoters were still present, but there seemed to be a third one. Within some time they somewhat acclimated to me and swam within 15-20 feet of me. It turns out there are two White-winged Scoters and one Surf Scoter... Generally the Surf was hanging out with the WW, but there were some times when it swam by itself. They were there the entire time. The Surf was less intimidated by me then were the WWs. Other species that were seen: Horned Grebe (3 near mile marker two on south side)...
Bob Parsons (17 Nov 2006) - ... I saw 3 Common Redpolls at the Bountiful Temple this morning. They are feeding on berries that fill the dozens of trees (10-15 feet high--but I don't know their name) planted in large pots in the upper parking lot. I also heard them in the bushes just north of the parking lot. If anyone is interested, the best time might be early morning as they were frightened off when some loud vehicles came through the parking lot about 9:00 a.m.
Kimberly Roush (12 Nov 2006) - I have photos of a winter plumage phalarope. Waiting for identification verification from Ella Sorenson on Tuesday. It is either a red or red-necked. I am leaning toward Red Phalarope. It was spotted @ 3:45 Saturday on Antelope Island Causeway, north side. Slowly swimming then walking on shore, then swimming and getting on shore repeatedly, working its way east. It then flew north east. I watched it, photographed it, sketched and painted it for almost 2 hours.
Kris Purdy (9 Nov 2006) - Paul Higgins called me at about 2:15 to report a female White-winged Scoter at Antelope Island Causeway. The bird is north of the causeway by about 200 yards at the big bridge nearest the marina.
Glenn B. Barlow (3 Nov 2006) - After leaving Morgan, Paul led the group to AIC, to try for a possible Black-legged Kittywake, feeding with the Bonaparte Gulls on the north side of the last bridge, closest to the island. The kittiwake did not materialize/could not be located, but Merrill was able to spot a different looking gull, which later was determined to be a Mew Gull, but not before consulting several field guides and studying Paul’s photos.
Michelle Brodie (27 Nov 2006) - On Saturday, November 25, I found a Northern Waterthrush in Harris Wash in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument at around 3:00 PM. The bird was about 40 yards past the fence that goes all the way across the wash. I think this fence is about 2 or 3 miles from the trailhead. The trailhead is accessed from Hole-in-the-Rock Road off Highway 12 in Escalante. It was out in the open eating in the wash. I got some good video of the bird if documentation is needed...Another good bird there was an adult male Northern Goshawk...
Lu Giddings (19 Nov 2006) - It was a beautiful afternoon and a lovely, irresistible opportunity to spend a few hours outside. I started in Santaquin, worked my way to Mona, and then along the west side of the reservoir to the dam. Highlights include: - a Merlin in some trees along the east side of Mona reservoir - a female Western Tanager, again in some trees along east side of the reservoir - a Horned Grebe and two common loons on Mona reservoir, along with about a dozen straggling western grebes scattered across the lake's surface.
Lu Giddings (2 Nov 2006) - Earlier this morning Dennis Shirley and I spent some time checking Mona reservoir. We saw 30+ species, most notable of which were near the dam and which include: a Horned Grebe in standard plumage - a Hooded Merganser hen - a flock of about 40 red-breasted mergansers, all hens - two common loons - a drake canvasback, possibly in the company of 5 females (seen from a considerable distance in bad light)
Edson Leite (5 Nov 2006) - Beth and I started the day at Arnold's house looking for the Prothonotory Warbler, we saw it around 10:20 and again at 11. We went to East Canyon reservoir after that, and saw common loons, Horned Grebe, and all three mergansers.
Kris Purdy (2 Nov 2006) - The Prothonotary Warbler party at Arnold Smith's house in Morgan, Morgan County, was well attended this morning. Guests included Pomera Fronce, Keith Evans, Jack Rensel, Paul Higgins, David and Petey Wheeler, me and most importantly, the Prothonotary Warbler.
(1 Nov 2006) - At 0945 the Prothonotary Warbler showed up in the same location at Arnold Smith's house in Morgan, Utah. This time the bird was viewed by Arnold, Weston, Linda, Shauna, Celeste and Aaron Smith for at least 20 minutes. We were able to photograph the bird before it flew into the quaking aspen trees to the Northeast of their driveway. It looks like the bird is a first year male as it is not quite as yellow as an adult breeding male. At roughly 1010 the bird then flew to the neighbor's yard to the south. The warbler is feeding on aphids in the box elder/lilac/wild rose bushes next to Arnold's mail box. Birders are welcome.
Edson Leite (14 Nov 2006) - Today around 4pm there was a Cackling Goose in sugar house park west of the pond.
Lu Giddings (17 Nov 2006) - I spent some time in Heber and Kamas valleys today... Three Eurasian Collared-Doves were spotted in Kamas, in the northwest part of town. I'm not sure if that is a highlight or not.
Larry Tripp (30 Nov 2006) - Birding in Washington county today felt more like I was birding in Canada! Very cold for this area. So I guess when I stopped at Gunlock Res. and there was a female Barrow's Goldeneye mixed in with the Common's it was only fitting. It's the first one I've seen in the county.
Merrill Webb (20 Nov 2006) - Went birding for a short time on Saturday afternoon at Stratton's (Grandpa's) pond between Hurricane and St. George. There were 25-30 Hooded Mergansers, many Canvasbacks, quite a few Greater Scaups, and very few dabbling ducks. Then went over to St. George where I found a Vermilion Flycatcher (immature male) south of town just north of the Virgin River.
Utah Birds (13 Nov 2006) - A sight record was received for an adult male Black-throated Blue Warbler in Zion NP. The bird was seen last week on the 7th of Nov., but if you're around there it would hurt to check it out. It was seen at Site C26, Watchman Campground, in the park.
Cheryl Peterson (27 Nov 2006) - John Bellmon, Bonnie Williams and I saw the Worm-eating Warbler at about 9:45 am. Hopefully everyone that was there when we left got to see it also. Thanks, Kris, for the great directions and for showing us the Western Screech Owl.
Kris Purdy (25 Nov 2006) - Thanks to Milt for posting the [Beus Pond] Worm-eating Warbler and to Glenn for calling everyone listed on his speed dial to report the bird :^D. Here are some specifics for tomorrow's warbler-seekers. The bird is using the slope east of the pond high above the paved path and down to the flat area outside the southeast curve of the path. The area is thick with scrub oak; the understory is thick bracken fern and poison ivy... From the Beus Park parking lot, walk south on the paved path that runs along the east side of the pond. When you reach the southeast corner, you'll notice many spruce trees outside the curve. A foot path leads southeast between two spruces from this point. I tied a strand of pink tape on one of them. Once you pass through the spruces, you're in Worm-eating Warbler territory. ...On to other stuff. In addition to the Western Screech-owl Paul Higgins reported this morning, I also saw two Winter Wrens. One was in the "usual" place, in brush at the base of the east slope. After seeing the warbler for the first time this morning at 10:00 for an intermittent 20 seconds, I pished for him and the Winter Wren came out of the brush below me. I saw what I believe was a second one in the blackberry vines at the south end of the pond between the tree with the Wasatch Audubon feeder and the nearest bench at the water's edge. ...In case this post isn't weird enough yet, the Anna's Hummingbird that has been visiting my feeders since November 10 appears to be visiting my suet feeders now in addition to the nectar feeders.
Kris Purdy (10 Nov 2006) - The hummingbird that visited my feeder this morning at about 7:40 was a male Anna's Hummingbird. He returned after I defrosted the top of the feeder. I've had several good looks at him through the scope. He appears to be a hatch-year male. His gorget and forecrown are fully feathered in rose-red and he has a patch of rose-red behind each eye. The back of his head and neck are green. It has only taken 3 years of maintaining my feeders in the winter attract an Anna's Hummingbird. Now I know why Don Quixote kept tilting at those windmills.
Kris Purdy (3 Nov 2006) - I saw the Winter Wren again this morning at Beus Park in Ogden, Weber County, twice between 8:30 and 9:30. Once again, the bird was on the east side of the park and east of the path.