Birdnet Hotline Highlights
16-30 Jun 2002
Review Species Reported This Month:
Worm-eating Warbler Grand
Sharon Andrus - (Sun, 30 Jun 2002) A male Rufous Hummingbird
came to my backyard feeder in Brigham City
Saturday afternoon, June 29. We had several people on the patio, so he didn't
stay long.
Jim & Beanie Lofthouse - (Sun, 30 Jun 2002) I had just read the note from
Sharon Andrus about the Rufous Hummingbird
then went into the other room where I could see the hummingbird feeder and lo,
there was a Rufous Hummingbird. They are usually absent here until
sometime in August as they are passing through. This one didn't hang around.
Damian Fagan - The UDWR mist netting crew caught a non-breeding Worm-eating Warbler in the Scott M. Matheson Wetlands Preserve (Grand Co.) on June 25th, in the morning. I spent a half-hour in the afternoon trying to locate the bird without success - doesn't mean that it still isn't there. The bird was captured in the southern portion of the preserve, just off of the gravel trail (near the junction between this trail and the boardwalk) beneath the large overhead transmission line.
Damian Fagan - On June 19th, at the Scott M. Matheson Wetlands Preserve in Moab (Grand Co.) one adult Osprey was fishing over the Central Pond and several pairs of Great-tailed Grackles were observed flying to and fro in the bulrushes.
Jeff Saffle (Tue, 25 Jun 2002) There are Lesser Goldfinches at the Saffle house, also; we believe two pairs are nesting nearby. Also, a pair of Bullock's Orioles are nesting in one of our Aspen trees. It's also baby quail season.
Milton Moody - (Tue, 18 Jun 2002) Christian Peay and I were birding in northeast Wasatch County today. Along the dirt road going from Wolf Creek Campground to Leonard's Lake, we saw a Northern Goshawk on the ridge overlooking Leonard's Lake. We also saw some Red Crossbills in the pine trees on the north side of Mill Hollow Reservoir.
Bill Hunter - (Wed, 26 Jun 2002) The trip Saturday had 40 species, the trip today, with four birders, had 39 species. Mostly what you would expect. Unusuals were over 50 Scott's Orioles in and around the orchard, a flyover of 5 Band-tailed Pigeons, a nesting Black-tailed Gnatcatcher, a large number of Ash-throated Flycatcher young, flyovers by a Peregrine Falcon and a Prairie Falcon, good looks at the Common Black-Hawks on both days, excellent views of many White-winged Doves, Brown-crested Flycatchers on both days, Bell's Vireos on both days and a Gray Vireo today. Also, Blue-gray and Black-tailed Gnatcatchers, Summer Tanagers, Blue Grosbeaks - really quite common, a couple of Bullock's Orioles and a pair of Hooded Orioles.
Steve Summers - A bright white-stripped White-throated Sparrow was at
Red Hills Golf Course (St. George) yesterday (Sat. 6/15) afternoon. This is a
rather late date for this species. Also at the golf course were a male and
female Vermilion
Flycatcher and one fledged young.