Birdnet Hotline Highlights
James lofthouse - On the feeder today: Cassin's Finch, Pine Siskin, Goldfinch, Brown Headed Cowbird, Lazuli Bunting. The kingbirds are back. A pair of tree swallows have decided to nest in a box. On the hummingbird feeder: 1 male Broadtailed, 1 male calliope, one male Black-chinned, and one Female ? . (6 May 2002)
Julie VanMoorhem, Kent Lewis - Kent Lewis and I birded the causeway and ranch on Monday. Whimbrels and Black-bellied Plovers north side at entrance area, Dunlin in breeding plumage on north side between MM
2 and 3, with Sanderlings by the hundreds and a fair number of Western Sandpipers. Ranch: Lark Sparrows on the way down; McGillivray's, Yellow, Yellow-rumped Warblers, Hermit Thrush, Dusky Flycatcher, Bullock's Oriole at the ranch. Good birding to all, Julie (7 May 2002, Antelope Island)
Damian Fagan -Two Sandhill Cranes were observed flying over Old City Park, in Moab, UT (Grand Co.) on May 4th, about 7 p.m. The birds were heading south. Also a Harris' Sparrow was observed at a feeder in Moab on May 3rd.
Jay Banta - A second year male Summer Tanager was trapped in the mist nets, banded, and photographed at 10:30 am on Monday May 13. (Fish Springs)
Jay Banta - A White-crowned Sparrow was seen at the residence area on 4-29-02 by Sam Orr, a refuge volunteer and experienced birder. (Fish Springs) A White-winged Dove was see at the feeding station on the east side of the office at Fish Springs NWR on 5-2-02 by Jay Banta, Sam Orr, and Robert Sims
Sid Hatch - On the trip to Southern Utah, while at Wild Horse Canyon, I saw a BROAD-BILLED HUMMINGBIRD. It came around right in front of me and hovered at about a foot and a half in front of my nose. It had a very bright, beautiful blue throat, unlike anything I've ever seen. Also, a dark green body and lighter colored bill. The only other possibility would be a Blue Throated Hummingbird. However, these are even more rare than the Broad Billed and do not have the light colored bill.
Jack.Torrey - Ann Neville took us out birding on the ISSR where we saw ten Whimbrels among the lb curlews. Look for them heading north, maybe on the causeway today and this weekend! (2 May 2002)
Milton Moody - A male Calliope Hummingbird was sitting in a branch pile under my hummingbird feeders preening. It went back and forth to the feeders several times. There was also a Lincoln’s Sparrow and yesterday there was a male Bullock's Oriole at the hummingbird feeders. (6 May 2002, Provo, Utah)
Kevin Wheeler -An adult LEAST TERN was observed above the Washington Fields Diversion in Washington County this morning, about 8:30 am. It was fluttering above the water and feeding on fish in the river. The Yellow bill was very noticeable, as was the white forhead. An attempt to relocate this bird about 5:30 pm was unsuccessful. Add another good bird to the list of good ones seen here recently. (15 May 2002)
Milton Moody, Utah County Birders field trip - Besides the PAINTED REDSTART that was seen at Zion NP and the incredible sighting of the HERMIT WARBLER by the picnic tables at Lytle Ranch, seen by almost everybody in the group, three members of the group saw a BRONZED COWBIRD by the gate to Red Hills Golf Course where 700 West (I believe) dead-ends into the south side of the golf course. (Sat, 11 May 2002, St. George )